The hard and soft costs of IVF

I woke up this morning thinking of the costs of IVF and the process of it. Wondering what I can honestly say about them? We haven’t experienced any “success” in terms of taking home a healthy baby but we know so much more than we did before.  For myself IVF has had a very high cost both emotionally, physically and financially. It has been a personal struggle and rather isolating. I envy those that have a strong and giving support system but all I can do is roll with the hand I’ve been dealt.

In order to determine my costs for IVF I find I have more questions than answers:

What am I willing to pay on all levels for round 2?

Can I shift my thoughts to a more positive direction?

Can I keep focused long enough to do so?

Would I pay almost any price for a positive outcome but regret it if there is no success…

1 thought on “The hard and soft costs of IVF

  1. Pingback: When is enough really enough, when trying to have a baby? | randomblurting

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