Random IVF male issues … that I never thought about.

I just wanted to give a huge thanks to all the men and non-hooch probed IVF partners. I had no idea until we were signing the paperwork yesterday how challenging it can be to “shoot sperm into a small cup” in a random office with bad porn. I’m also grateful that my huzz hasn’t sprained his elbow with the rigors of masturbation because evidently this has been hard on him.

When I suggested that he bring his own porn with him into the office he flat out refused and bristled at the suggestion. Who knew? I think he was bummed that there wasn’t deli paper on the furniture and mentioned that he finds himself getting freaked out every time thinking about what goes on the room with every other man who has spent time alone in there… then these thoughts distract him from the task at hand (no pun intended) and he has to start over. Who knew that we had so many issues?! I can now add another point of comparison between Conceptions and CCRM and it goes along the lines of things are just better at CCRM. No sticky pages and a “little better” quality “material”… I dont even want to think too hard about it.

My husband had me laughing this morning when I was complaining about everything IVF and the “gonna kill you” factor. He wondered why there wasnt a clause about spontaneous death resulting from vigorous masturbation… maybe that one hasnt happened. I’ve been so focused on all the things that I have to “do” for IVF that I gave little to no thought on random rooms, sticky pages and small openings of containers.

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