Human Aquarium

Captive Land Creature

It’s official I am a human aquarium with a creature of one. I can feel the suspended in water creature moving quite a bit these days. I do not get to view the creature and or feed it. Being an aquarium is most certainly not as relaxing as watching one. Just being able to feel these new sensations is quite odd. I know for most they like to say being pregnant is the most “beautiful time” and to “enjoy it” because at least for some lucky ladies I have heard that pregnancy can be an “enjoyable” experience. If I am being honest when you compare pregnancy with all of the IVF stuff I willing did to get here then the actual pregnancy is much more “enjoyable” (when compared). But I can’t help but feel like a human aquarium. One of those old fashion round goldfish bowls. You can even tap on one side and feel him flee to the other side.  I can now feel him flip, flop, turn, spring, kick, hit, hiccup and flee… and not necessarily in that order. It’s a lot like having your own Sea Monkey growing and getting interesting without the complete colony. Feeling like an aquarium is a strong reminder that you have no control over whats happening with your body. You are just along for the ride. I’m looking forward to getting my body back without company on the inside. (And he does look LESS like a sea monkey these days…)

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