It’s all about more “feel-good pseudo-intellectual garbage…” in my life

I put a hold on a book at the library today. It’s call “Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof that You Can Heal Yourself.” I am feeling like I am at the mind over matter state. If I can manage not to mind that it certainly doesn’t matter. Although I think it’s more of the fake it until type of fiction that I am trying to spin into more truth for me. I am attempting to find new ways in which I can choose positive over negative and come from that space first. I am a skeptic when it comes to what I call the “whoo-woo voodoo crap” that a lot of the Boulderite’s preach around here.

If you’ve never been to Boulder here’s the sum up – they speak with a soft-high-on-drugs-but-I’m-still-smart accent. They smell very strongly of whatever natural odor they feel vibrates with their energy the most. They talk about “vibrational” energy like it exists in every part of our lives and we have the power to bring it into harmony as long as we have the right crystals. They tell you all about the powerful benefits of Kombucha and Yoga while advocating vegan eating principles. They hug chickens to sell bath salts. They grow out their leg hair and buy $100 yoga pants. Boulder New Age Whoo-Wooo’s think hula hooping is a sport. They can name at least two monks or seeks that have changed their life but they drive like ass in a prius or an audi, get aggressive with cyclists AND they live in Boulder.

All that said I am not thinking that this book is going to provide what anyone would call solid scientific proof. The one negative review online is from one of the Debbie-downers who always reviews negative and feels that Mind over Medicine is  “feel-good pseudo-intellectual garbage”. Can’t wait to see if he’s right!